Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Help needed!

The theme for the next club competition is "portraits" - not something I do much of but I took this photo of a chap who was selling his macro lens on ebay (just happens to live locally).  I can't decide whether to go with the regular b&w photo or the funky one, although I'm thinking the latter might be a bit more interesting and it might not get marked down for being ever so slightly unsharp on the tip of his nose- the judges really are a picky bunch.  Which do you like?

Monday, 29 August 2011

Sunday, 28 August 2011

Saturday, 27 August 2011

Silverdale pics ...

One of my favourite photos from the Silverdale workshop with Andy Latham.  Taken using my Tamron wide angle lens.  Love the effect it has on the sky.  Look at the hawthorns in the background - imagine how strong the wind must be on that stretch of coastline.

Friday, 26 August 2011

Dear Prime Minister ....

 ... a cull is NOT the answer.  Science doesn't support it and nor do the animal welfare organisations.  Even regular people like myself can see this is not the right thing to do - it would be a tragedy for our wildlife.  Money should be spent on developing vaccines, not slaughtering innocent animals who are persecuted enough as it is.   We should be leading the way on the world stage in protecting and ensuring a positive future for our wildlife.  Fox hunting must NEVER be allowed to resume and hunters who continue to flout the law should be dealt with in the courts severely.  Hunting and killing animals for fun must be wiped out - violence in all its forms (including snaring) must not be tolerated in our so-called civilised society. 

Please send a message to the PM against the cull:


Thursday, 25 August 2011

for Sheila

We'll love her while we may,
And for the happiness we've known,
Forever grateful stay.
But should the angels call for her
Much sooner than we planned,
We'll brave the bitter grief that comes
And try to understand

Sunday, 14 August 2011

The beach at Silverdale

Taken on a workshop with Andy Latham yesterday

Friday, 12 August 2011

Industrial grunge ...

Some photos taken yesterday (in the rain) at my favourite location for taking grungey photos - Pioneer Mill, Radcliffe.  350 photos later ...

Saturday, 6 August 2011

Curly sheep ...

... at Garstang show today.

Friday, 5 August 2011

Message to the government, DEFRA and cattle farmers ...

... take your fingers out of your ears, remove your blindfolds and LISTEN TO THE EXPERTS!



Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Ban live exports

Compassion in World Farming:  

"With the launch of our One Way Ticket campaign, we are fighting alongside local campaigners to end all live farm animal exports from the UK, and for an 8 hour limit on all journey times across the EU.
The cruelty of live transport across Europe has been documented over and over again. Often overcrowded, frequently given insufficient food, water and ventilation, many animals may become sick and injured, or may even die on journeys that can last for days.  Yet despite this, thousands of British animals are still exported annually, shipped abroad to an unknown fate."

Help make a difference - donate if you can and take action:

The horror of bullfighting

This "sport" has to be wiped off the face of the earth!


Why would anyone with a shred of decency, humanity, pity EVER want to watch this for "entertainment"???

It's a sad world we live in ...

Hello ducky!

On the way home from the supermarket I decided to take a look at Elton Reservoir, which had been closed due to some kind of toxic algae.  I was pleased to see there was no sign of any and the birds seemed to be healthy.  Didn't realise till I uploaded the pic that the Coolpix was set to VGA - darn it!  Still, not a bad shot but very very tiny!