I've been feeling very blaaaah about my art recently, particularly as my muse seems to have been in hiding! I've done lots of reading and surfing waiting for something to excite me and finally I found some inspiration. I know it's as old as the hills but after finding Mary Ann Moss's blog
Dispatch from LA I'm going to have a go at stencilling and signed up for her online class. Finding good stencils locally is an impossible task so I've splashed out on an electric stencil cutter from
Blue Gallery.

by Mary Ann
I was also happy to find some how-to videos on Teesha Moore's blog
Teesha's Circus as I've long been a fan but thought I'd never get the chance to do a class. Naturally I've been out shopping for supplies and treated myself to some Faber Castell pastels and have ordered some Fabriano paper online - amazingly I found a supplier in the UK! Check out
Great Art if you think you might "need" some!

by Teesha
I think my muse may be back!!!
Like the new blog!!! Glad your muse is back! I think we all go through that off and on. I found Teesha's videos yesterday and they are great!!! -Leslie