Monday 13 December 2010

Stamp, stamp, stamp ...

I took a workshop last week with Rachel Emilie Jackson ( PAPER AND BOOK ) and had a lovely day making Christmas cards so a lucky few will be getting home made ones this year! lol  Rachel was the perfect hostess serving mince pies and mulled wine and creating a Christmassy atmosphere with gently, lulling seasonal music.  It's been quite a while since I picked up a stamp and I'd forgotten how satisfying it can be to make your own cards.  I'm even thinking of buying a new sheet of stamps from PAPERBAG STUDIOS - 'cos I really need more stamps ....... someone please stop me now!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Your cards are delightful - not sure what to do about the impulse to buy more stamps (I try to forbid myself and it works, sometimes).
