Tuesday 31 August 2010


For the millions of people who are unaware of the roundup process, here it is: The Bureau of Land Management, a branch of the Department of the Interior, has scheduled the removal of America’s wild horses and are attempting to change the grazing rights to be cattle only on the BLM owned land, which leave our wild horses homeless. 100 years ago there were 2 million horses. Now, because of these roundups, there are only 30,000 left. They contract low-flying helicopters to taunt and scare the mustangs, separating them from their families, and eventually coerced into tiny pens. The mustangs are then taken off to holding facilities where they no longer have room to roam anymore. They will be moved to a short-term holding facility for up to three years if not adopted out or sold to a buyer that intends on using the wild horse for slaughter.

Register your objection to this ridiculous, inhumane practice by clicking here:  THE PONY EXPRESS - deadline 1st September.

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