Friday 6 August 2010

Pageant of Power, Cholmondelay Castle, Cheshire



  1. Love the new blog look! I haven't been here in a while! love the new conservatory too! and wow nice big kitchen I am jealous!! looks like you are having loads of fun!! I am dreading the end of my summer break and hope all goes well with the new school year and new kids too! so enjoy dear and can't wait to see all the remodeling done!! ours will be going on forever I think! he goes gung ho and then has been on hold again! well for one WAY too stinking hot out to work outside so I won't let him! have waited this long figure can wait a while longer!!!
    xoxo Linda

  2. Thanks chuck! Can't wait till the work is finished - I think we're nearing the end at last! Enjoy the summer, sounds like you're having a better one than us! Maybe we should do a house swap???
